The 8 Changes to the Highway Code that you need to know
On January 29th 2022 the rules in the Highway Code were updated to improve the safety for all types of road users including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
1. Hierarchy of road users
The Highway Code has now been updated to include a new ‘hierarchy of road users’. The 3 new rules are numbered H1, H2, and H3.
The hierarchy places the road users that are most at risk in the event of an accident at the top of the hierarchy. This however does not take away the need for everybody on our roads to behave responsibly. All road users should be aware of the Highway Code and be considerate to all other road users and at all times be aware of their responsibility for the safety of others.
Read the new rules
• Rule H1 (Introduction)
• Rule H2 (Introduction)
• Rule H3 (Introduction)
2. Giving way to pedestrians on junctions
Drivers on the road should now be giving way to pedestrians who are crossing or waiting to cross at road junctions. If pedestrians have already started to cross drivers turning into the junction must give way as pedestrians crossing would have priority. The same rule would apply to pedestrians on a zebra crossing or walking/cycling on a parallel crossing. A parallel crossing is very similar to a zebra crossing but also incorporates a cycle lane running alongside the black and white striped area. These new rules are to help reduce the danger to more vulnerable road users i.e. Pedestrians.
Read the updated rules
• Rule H2 (Introduction)
• Rule 8 (Rules for pedestrians)
• Rule 19 (Rules for pedestrians)
• Rule 170 (Using the road)
• Rule 195 (Using the road)
• Rule 206 (Road users requiring extra care)
3. Walking, cycling or riding in shared spaces
People that share road space with pedestrians walking, i.e. Cyclists, Horse riders and drivers of horse-drawn carriages should be aware of the safety of people walking. And pedestrians walking should also be careful not to endanger or obstruct them. Cyclists should not pass pedestrians walking, horse riders or drivers of horse-drawn carriages too fast or too close especially from behind. Cyclists should slow down enough to deal with the situation safely and let people know they are there, considering that people may be deaf blind or partially sighted. You should never pass horse riders on the left.
Read the updated rules
• Rule H1 (Introduction)
• Rule 13 (Rules for pedestrians)
• Rule 62 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 63 (Rules for cyclists)
4. Positioning in the road when cycling
Cyclists are now advised to ride in the centre of the lane in certain situations to make themselves more visible to other road users i.e. on approach to road junctions, in slower traffic or quieter roads. Whenever possible cyclists should be a minimum of 0.5 metres from the kerb (around 1.5 feet) and if safe further out when riding on busy roads with faster traffic than them. When cycling in groups be aware of other road users, especially from behind and allow these drivers to overtake (for example by moving onto single file or stopping to let them pass. When passing parked cars cyclists should leave enough room, at least a doors width or 1 metre to avoid car doors opening and be aware of pedestrians and children walking out in front of them.
Read the updated rules
• Rule 67 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 213 (Road users requiring extra care)
5. Overtaking when driving or cycling
If there are cyclists or horse riders near the kerb but double white lines in the centre of the road you may overtake providing it is safe to do so if they are travelling at 10MPH or less
If you are driving or riding a motorcycle you should leave at least 1.5 metres overtaking cyclists moving at speeds of up to 30 MPH and giving them more space when overtaking at higher speeds. If passing horse riders or drivers of horse-drawn carriages that are travelling at speeds of 10MPH or less, you should be allowing at least 2 Metres. If you are passing pedestrians walking in the road you should keep slow and pass at a minimum of 2 metres. You should make absolutely sure it’s safe to overtake and that you can give these clearances. If not, wait behind and wait for a safe space. If you are cycling you may pass slower-moving or stationary traffic on the right or left, but, be aware that other drivers may not be able to see you, especially on the approach to junctions, Lorries and buses or other large vehicles.
Read the updated rules
• Rule 67 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 76 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 163 (Using the road)
• Rule 212 (Road users requiring extra care)
• Rule 215 (Road users requiring extra care)
6. People cycling at junctions
When cycling and turning into or out of a junction cyclists should give way to pedestrians who are crossing or waiting to cross. On approach to the junction, cyclists are permitted to cycle in the centre of the lane to make themselves more visible and to avoid being overtaken. When people cycling are going straight ahead at a junction, they have priority over traffic waiting to turn into or out of a side road, unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise. People cycling are advised to watch out for people who are intending to turn across their path, as people driving ahead may not be able to see them.
Read the updated rules
• Rule H2 (Introduction)
• Rule H3 (Introduction)
• Rule 73 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 74 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 75 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 76 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 167 (Using the road)
• Rule 170 (Using the road)
• Rule 211 (Road users requiring extra care)
7. People cycling, riding a horse and driving horse-drawn vehicles on roundabouts
If you are driving or riding a motorcycle should give priority to people cycling on roundabouts. You should not overtake cyclists within their lane and should allow cyclists to move across your path as they travel around the roundabout. If you’re cycling, riding a horse and driving a horse-drawn carriage you may stay in the left-hand lane of a roundabout when you intend to continue across, or around the roundabout. As a driver you should take extra care when entering a roundabout to make sure you do not cut across people cycling, riding a horse or driving a horse-drawn carriage who are continuing around the roundabout in the left-hand lane.
Read the updated rules
• Rule 79 (Rules for cyclists)
• Rule 167 (Using the road)
• Rule 186 (Using the road)
8. Parking, charging and leaving vehicles
The new code now recommends a new technique for opening your door when leaving vehicles called the ‘Dutch Reach’. You should open the door using your hand on the opposite side to the door they are opening. (For example, using your left hand to open a door on their right-hand side of the vehicle). This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder behind you. Then you’re far less likely to cause injury to anyone passing you or anyone on the pavement.
The code now includes guidance about using electric vehicle charging points. When using one, you should park as close to the charging point as you can to avoid causing a trip hazard with the charging cables, display a warning sign and make sure you return cables and connectors neatly to avoid danger/obstacles to others.
Read the updated rule
• Rule 239 (Waiting and parking)
Find out about all the changes
In total, 10 sections of The Highway Code have been updated, with 50 rules being added or updated.
You can find a summary of all the changes in The Highway Code updates list on GOV.UK.